City Line Of Bristol. The Business Records Of James Martin Hilhouse, Hilhouse & Hill, And Charles Hill & Sons, Ltd.

The collection consists mainly of ship's voyage expenses ledgers and company wages books, together with additional company records, such as personal expenses and accounts books for various members of the Hill family, and shipyard labour, materials and supplies ledgers. As a whole, the collection covers the company through its various changes of name and ownership, from 1775 to the 1940s. There are also some additional papers, acquired separately, dating from the 1790s to the 1960s.

Administrative / biographical background
James Martin Hilhouse took over the then almost new Hotwells dock on the banks of the Avon in 1772, following a transaction with the Merchant Venturers of Bristol. By the time members of the Hill family became employees of the company in 1810, it was a successful shipbuilders. Between 1804 and 1843 the company built a series of merchantmen, including the CHARLOTTE AND HOPE in 1814, the first wooden paddle-wheel steamer to be built in Bristol. Mr Hilhouse, having no sons with whom to leave his company, allowed the Hills to take more control of the firm, first changing its name to Hilhouse & Hill, then finally to Charles Hill & Sons, Ltd when full control was assumed in 1845. As the company grew, the Albion dockyard was opened for shipbuilding and company activities were also expanded to Cardiff in 1879. This same year, the Bristol City Line was established and became closely identified with the North Atlantic cargo trade for the next hundred years. The company was eventually sold in the 1970's, with the shipyard finally closing in 1979.

Record Details

Item reference: HIL; GB 0064
Catalogue Section: Records of semi-governmental and non-governmental organisations
Date made: 1775-05-13 - 1949-12-14; 1775-05-13 - 1969-12-31
Creator: Hilhouse & Hill, City Line Of Bristol. The Business Records Of James Martin
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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