Transparency - spend over £25,000
To comply with the government’s transparency rules, we publish details of all items of expenditure by the National Maritime Museum exceeding £25,000 per calendar month.
Previous months' expenditure back to April 2010 are available on request. Please write to:
Head of Governance and Museum Records, National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London SE10 9NF
Government procurement card spend over £500
Payment of creditor analysis
PPN Action Note 05/15 on prompt payment and reporting performance was published on 27 March 2015. Find out more here ( website).
This set requirements (from 1 April 2015) for all central government departments including their Executive Agencies and Non Departmental Public Bodies, to publish the percentage of their invoices paid within (i) 5 days and (ii) 30-days on a quarterly basis.
Gender pay gap reports

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