If you are unable to visit the Museum, please see our list of independent researchers who can carry out the research for you
The National Maritime Museum accepts no responsibility for any arrangement made with independent researchers. Such arrangements, including the nature and extent of the work commissioned, is a purely private matter between the enquirer and the independent researcher. The National Maritime Museum cannot arbitrate on matters of conflict between enquirers and independent researchers.
As the fees charged by researchers vary greatly the Museum cannot offer any estimate of cost. Please note that some researchers make a charge for preliminary research in advance of accepting a commission.
Writing to a researcher
If you are writing from within the United Kingdom please ensure that you enclose a stamped self-addressed envelope when writing to a researcher. If you are writing from overseas, please ensure that you enclose a self-addressed envelope and a sufficient number of International Reply Coupons.
List of researchers
Len Barnett, MA
E-mail: len@barnettmaritime.co.uk
Website: www.barnettmaritime.co.uk
Intro: With over thirty years of experience as a maritime researcher, I have now semi-retired. This will allow me more time for my personal research into the Great War 1914-1919 at sea, but will also me to continue taking research commissions relating to this conflict.
Subjects: My expertise covers the Mercantile Marine and the Royal Navy and all the various reserves (including HM Coastguard). As well as operational and commercial studies, I will also continue to research the full careers of mariners involved in the Great War. So, I still happy to research those that served long before and also well after, such as during the Second World War...'
Dr Stuart C. Blank
Member of the Orders and Medals Research Society
Address: Military Archive Research, PO Box 356, Paignton, Devon, UK, TQ3 1WZ
E-mail: enquiries@MilitaryArchiveResearch.com
Website: www.MilitaryArchiveResearch.com
Research interests and specialisations - The Royal Navy and its associated forces (RNR, RNVR etc) – genealogy and operations; The Royal Marines – genealogy and operations; The Merchant Navy – genealogy and operations; Indian Navy / (Honourable) East India Company – genealogy and operations; General naval research; Other military research (e.g. medals); Nautical Archaeology
Publications - Researching British Military History on the Internet (2007)
Nicholas Dixon, BA (Hons), MPhil, PhD
Genealogist and House Historian
Email: mail@drnicholasdixon.com
Website: drnicholasdixon.com
Intro: I am a professional genealogist with a particular interest in maritime records, including those predating the registration of merchant seamen from 1835. I can utilise a vast range of sources in investigating British mariners and their ships. The list of subjects is intended to give an idea of my specialisms but is not exhaustive. Please see my website for more information.
Subjects: Careers of British merchant sea captains and mariners; Royal Navy personnel; British merchant ships and their voyages; British ship-owners; maritime families in London, East Anglia and Yorkshire; records of apprenticeships; records in the National Archives; nautical connections with royalty; Royal Navy chaplains; the Napoleonic wars; War of 1812.
Brian Horton
Address: 3 St. Ambrose Green, Oxenturn Road, Wye, Ashford, Kent TN25 5AG
Tel: 01233 812463
Mobile: 07969 466445
Email: horton1805@hotmail.com
Subjects: Royal Navy, Army and Royal Air Force; Merchant Navy; Medal research; Genealogy.
Andy Macdonald
As a south-east London based family history researcher, I live locally to the National Maritime Museum and within easy transport to the National Archives in west London.
Email: enquiries@mypastfamily.co.uk
Website: mypastfamily.co.uk
I am available to undertake a wide range of commissions:
- Ancestor Searches - researching a specific person
- Document Searches - finding a certain document
- Armed Forces Records - locating and interpreting historical military records
- Maritime Crew Records - (includes Merchant Navy and Royal Navy) - locating individuals on vessels
- DNA test reviews - helping you understand your results and matches
- Family Tree Creation - tracing your lineage
- Helping You - assisting with your research
Research can be conducted at the National Maritime Museum, the National Archives in Kew and various archives and libraries in London.
Joe Saunders, MA (Hons), MPhil
Email: joseph6.saunders@outlook.com
Website: www.josephsaundershistory.co.uk
Intro: I am a freelance historian carrying out British history research c.1500-present assisting private clients, authors, academics, and organisations. My own family history includes members of the Merchant and Royal Navies. All enquires considered from detailed projects to document photography. Please get in touch for a chat.
Subjects: I am happy to discuss research on a variety of topics, though I am especially experienced in genealogical, biographical, social and local history research, including pre-19th century palaeography.
Association of Genealogists and Researchers in Archives (AGRA)
A professional organisation which provides a list of researchers (for those seeking help with family history or professional research) with varying areas of specialities. Please see the right hand column on their page under the heading 'Find A Researcher'.