Purser Victor Brookes in his cabin 1969

Oil painting on canvas board depicting Purser Victor Brooks. Inscribed on reverse in Victor Brooks' hand: 'Painting of V. Brooks Purser Catering Officer in Purser's cabin on the MV 'Port Townsville' June 1969 homeward bound at sea from Australia. The painter Brian Giffney is in fact a Brian Smith who signed on the ship as an assistant steward in Australia May 1969 as a replacement for a steward signed off sick in Sydney. He apparently painted landscapes, one of which he gave to V. Brooks called "End of the Day" which is a Queensland coastal scene. This is where he did most of his paintings. The significance of the calender and the ringed date June 12th, is the fact that the 12th is the Purser's wife's birthday and the painting is to be a present to her. The Purser has lost his right eye and in its place is a false one. PURSER'S AGE 43. Artist Brian Giffney, V.E.A Brooks, Purser's cabin 'Port Townsville' June 1969.'

Object Details

ID: OBJ0376
Type: Painting
Display location: Not on display
Creator: Giffney, Brian
Date made: 12 Jun 1969; 1969-06-12
People: Brooks, Victor Edwin Abraham; Brooks, Victor Edwin Abraham
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
Measurements: Overall: 760 mm x 635 mm x 2 mm

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