Document signed by William Bridgeman, c.1646-1699, English civil servant and Secretary to the Admiralty between 1694 and 1698.
Commissioner Tymewall has informed me by his letter of the 22nd March last that the WEYMOUTH has sprung her Main Mast and Foretopsail Yard. The Admiralty Commissioners have commanded me to send you an extract of his letter enclosed, and if her Main Mast cannot be repaired at Kinsale a new one should be got ready at Plymouth against her arrival there.
In answer to your letter of yesterday asking where the QUAKER Ketch now is, I inform you that she is at present cruising off Rye.
In answer to your letter of yesterday asking where the QUAKER Ketch now is, I inform you that she is at present cruising off Rye.
Record Details
Item reference: | ADM/A/1829/66 |
Catalogue Section: | Public records: records of the central administration of the Royal Navy and the Merchant Navy |
Level: | PAGE |
Extent: | 1 page |
Date made: | 1696-04-05 |
Creator: | Bridgeman, William |
Credit: | National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London |