Correspondence with Admiral Curt von Prittwitz, 1904.

Correspondence between Noel on the battleship HMS GLORY (1888) at Weihaiwei, and Admiral Curt von Prittwitz, commander of the German cruiser squadron at Chefoo, dated 4-12 August 1904 (with envelope). The letters discuss a misunderstanding in communications between the battleship HMS OCEAN (1898) and the German light cruiser THETIS (1900) off the Shantung Promontory on 2 August 1904. A typescript explanation of the event (in German with English translation) is included.

Record Details

Item reference: NOE/52/2/2
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1881; 1892 1893 1896 1902 1904 1904-1906
Creator: von Prittwitz und Gaffron, Curt Otto Bernhard
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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