Document signed by George St. Loe, 1697.

The brickhouse of the new rope house and tarring house, are so bad that some bricks and mortar may be easily brushed down and I fear that they will fall down in a little time. The wet dock is in a tottering condition, some of the walls having been shored up for 15 months past and our dry dock has become a wet dock. I complained of some of these defects to Commissioner Dummer but he told me it was none of my business. The Navy Board gave less credit to what I said as they had receive a certificate from the builder and the Clerk of the Survey that all had been performed well.

Record Details

Item reference: ADM/A/1839/344
Catalogue Section: Public records: records of the central administration of the Royal Navy and the Merchant Navy
Level: PAGE
Date made: 1697-02-16
Creator: Loe, George St.
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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