In-letters and orders received by the Navy Board

Acknowledging receipt of the [Admiralty's] Order informing that labourers at Deptford have petitioned for permission to take chips of wood out of the Yard, and enquiring what the accepted practice is. Their Honours are reminded that no one is allowed to take chips other than the workmen who produce them and with this the Officers of the Yard agree, arguing that if this were not the case the task of supervising the men and preventing them from doing so would become exceptionally difficult. The letter further reminds the Admiralty that the purpose of a Warrant issued late last year was to allow the poor of the Parish to come into the Yard for a limited period on two days each week to gather chips as a form of poor relief. Any departure from standard practice would result in other labourers making their own chips, thus depriving the poor. A concession is hinted at though the matter of a decision is referred back to the Admiralty. Signed by four Dockyard Officials.

Record Details

Item reference: ADM/A/1863/169
Catalogue Section: Public records: records of the central administration of the Royal Navy and the Merchant Navy
Level: PAGE
Date made: 1699-04-18
Creator: Navy Board, In-Letters And Orders
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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