Papers and medals relating to the service of William S. Smith, Civilian Signal Supervisor.

Medals: 1914 - 1915 Star, British War Medal 1914-1918, Allied Victory Medal and another similar to the British War Medal 1914 - 1918 but with a Blue ribbon bordered with white. Manuscripts: a red wallet containing a Christmas card from King George V and Queen Consort Mary; an army regiment account book for Peter Smith (William's father), dated to 1875, with a home-made red fabric cover; a note of commendation for the swiftness with which the "signals" are being handled addressed to Mr. William S. Smith, Civilian Signal Supervisor - No. 13273; certificates of service for the same W.S. Smith., dated to 1911; a fleet review plan titled "Berthing Plan - Coronation View of the Fleet by Her Majesty the Queen 15th June 1953"; W.S. Smith's caul (paper backed) which he had at Jutland; list of contents of box made when acquired in 1971.

Record Details

Item reference: ADL/Z/50/1
Catalogue Section: Manuscript documents acquired singly by the Museum
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1875-1953
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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