In-letters and orders received by the Navy Board

The Queen by Order of the 19th of this month has directed that the numbers of Inferior Officers hereunder mentioned, with an increase of Pay for some of them, shall be allowed during this present War to their Majesties Ships of several Rates as follows.
Details laid out of the Officers ( eleven ranks, commencing with Lieutenants ) for each of the five Rates
You are also asked to consider possible increases of Pay in higher Rate Ships.
We further direct you to cause First, Second and Third Rate Ships to be furnished as part of their Sea Stores with a spare Main topsail Yard, and Inferior Rates and Fireships to be allowed two hand Grapnells with Chains.

Record Details

Item reference: ADM/A/1772/123
Catalogue Section: Public records: records of the central administration of the Royal Navy and the Merchant Navy
Level: PAGE
Extent: 1 page
Date made: 1691-02-23
Creator: Herbert, Thomas; Priestman, Henry Cary, Anthony Austen, Robert
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London