Document signed by George St. Loe, 1696.

[Progress Report] I have been informed that Mr Smith is to be paid for pilotage in the MERCURY... Mr Dodge has 2 houses in our yard area and if I was to agree to his excessive demands it would not be in the Kings interest, and might imply that I am in collusion with him .So I believe it is essential that Mr Dummor be on the spot this Summer to sort things out... I find the plan of the yard sent by Commissioner Dummor that it is intended that the Porters Lodge be built in the north of the East Wall, this is a long way from the yard houses for the men to use that gate. I therefore propose that the gateway be towards the South end of the same Wall and the Porters Lodge be built there. I would rather not have the large gate where it is planned as our roads are not passable for carts with timber...The CROWN came into the Sound last Friday with her Head washed away, and she has other defects which need to be fixed...Today the MERCURY brought in a small Bark which she took off the Coast of France and a Shallop off Fowy with 34 men, 4 Patereroes and 20 Oars... He told us that up to 60 [French] men of war have come from Toulon to Brest waters and are scrubbing themselves ready to sail about Wednesday or Thursday...The LYME and SPY - advice boats have just come from the Straits... The SPY sailed this afternoon to the Eastward.

Record Details

Item reference: ADM/A/1830/345
Catalogue Section: Public records: records of the central administration of the Royal Navy and the Merchant Navy
Level: PAGE
Date made: 1696-06-17
Creator: Loe, George St.
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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