In-letters and orders received by the Navy Board

Ref. your letter of the 27 of last Month we have surveyed the French ship called the (No Suggestions) taken by HMS CONTENT PRIZE and find her a suitable ship to serve as a man of war. She is reported to be only 3 Months old. She has one Deck Fore and Aft and can carry 11 guns each side and 5 on the Quarterdeck. She appears to be a good sailor and is well beamed, kneed and ridered in the French style. She has a complete set of sails, cable and anchors. She can be fitted for Channel service for £600 and got ready in 3 weeks from receiving orders. Signed Thomas Stollord and two illegible names: Plymouth Dockyard Surveyors.

Record Details

Item reference: ADM/A/1830/358
Catalogue Section: Public records: records of the central administration of the Royal Navy and the Merchant Navy
Level: PAGE
Date made: 1696-06-29
Creator: Navy Board, In-Letters And Orders
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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