Seven promisory notes signed by Bravevich to pay Admiral Sidney Smith.

A series of seven promisory notes in French signed by Bracevich of Admiral Sidney Smith lending him money over the course of 1816 to 1817 saying that he will pay it back as soon as possible.

Administrative / biographical background
Admiral Sir William Sidney Smith(21 June 1764 – 26 May 1840) was a British naval officer. He served in the American and French revolutionary wars, he later rose to the rank of admiral.

Record Details

Item reference: ADL/U/17; MSS/82/016.0 MS1982/016
Catalogue Section: Manuscript documents acquired singly by the Museum
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1816-1817; 1817-01-01 - ? 1817
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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