A collection of oversize newspapers during the time of Admiral William Cornwallis.

A selection of newspaper during the period of Admiral Sir William Cornwallis including NORTH BRITON, 23 April 1763 which criticized a royal speech in which King George III accusing the King of lying this led to John Wilkes being charged with libel and imprisoned for a short time in the Tower of London; supplement to the LONDON GAZETTE of June 1; LLOYDS EVENING POST, 6 June 1787; GAZETEER and NEW DAILY ADVERTISER, 15 October 1782; unidentified newspaper with top torn off; THE TRAVELLER, 17 March 1804 with mentions of Admiral Cornwallis at the Court of Common Council; THE SUN, 11 June 1794; THE STATESMAN, 18 November 1818; THE STAR, 16 August 1794; THE TRUE BRITON, 12 June 1794; THE SUN, 19 June 1794; THE SUN, 7 July 1794;
THE BRITISH NEPTUNE, 12 February 1804 containing biographical memoirs of The Honorable William Cornwallis; THE STAR, 15 August 1794; THE GLOBE, 21 October 1809; THE STATESMAN, 24 April 1818; THE SUN, 1 July 1794; THE SUN, 23 June 1794; th Morning Intelligencer, 26 May 1780; an unknown newspsper clip titled Further extracts fom the Jamaica Newspaper; Supplement to the Cornwall chronicle 31 July 1779; the Morning Post 6 February 1896.

Record Details

Item reference: COR/100/9/1; MSS/81/001 MS81/001
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1763-1851
Creator: Cornwallis, William
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London. On loan from Miss Julia Wykeham-Martin

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