Enstone, Albert James, Captain.

Pilot's logbooks (3 books) covering the period 1916-1918 and a pocket notebook with technical details of different aircraft types. Typescript sheets with details of daily routine, duties of officers, ration scale and allocation of mechanical transport for No 4 Squadron RNAS at Dunkirk, 1917. Printed maps of the Ostend and Zeebrugge areas of Belgium, February 1918. Certificate of commission as a captain in the RAF, dated 1 April 1918. Printed booklet issued by the Air Ministry entitled 'A Few Hints for the Flying Officer'. Printed booklets with Air Force Memoranda Nos 1 and 2 concerning transfer of the RNAS and RFC to the RAF and the new uniform. Officer's temporary identity passes for the Dover special military area issued at Dover Priory train station, 1918. Permit to travel from Dover to Inverness on leave from active service, August 1918. Copy of the printed King's Message to the RAF, 11 November 1918. Letters, telegrams, Christmas card, lists of personnel and other documents relating to his service in the RAF. Album of photographs from the First World War period showing fighter aircraft, airships, airstations, aerial photographs and portraits. Also a small number of loose watercolours and photographs of aircraft and fellow officers, including Arnold Jacques Chadwick (1893-1917) and Ronald McNeill Keirstead (1895-1970). The folio item is an album of aerial reconnaissance photographs taken over the Flanders area including Middelkerke and Westende, 1917-1918.

Administrative / biographical background
Enstone was a fighter ace in the Royal Naval Air Service and then the Royal Air Force during the First World War. He was born in Birmingham on 29 August 1895 and gained his Royal Aero Club pilot's certificate at RNAS Cranwell in 1916. He was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for his courage and skill in repeatedly destroying enemy aircraft while serving as a flight sub-lieutenant with No 4 Squadron RNAS at Dunkirk during May and June 1917. He was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross while flying with the RAF Sea Patrol in the following year. The citation stated that during a period of eighteen months on active flying duty he destroyed a total of 12 enemy aircraft and brought down a further 6 out of control. He also succeeded in destroying an enemy ammunition dump. Enstone died on 4 October 1963. His DSC and DFC medals are both held in the NMM collection.

Record Details

Item reference: BGY/E/2; MSS/72/094 MS1972/094
Catalogue Section: Manuscript documents acquired singly by the Museum
Level: FILE
Date made: 1914 - 191921; 1914-01-01 - 1918-12-31 1914-1921
Creator: Enstone, Albert James
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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