Log of HMS LITCHFIELD by Captain Joseph Taylor.

Logbook of HMS LITCHFIELD kept by Captain Joseph Taylor begins at Deptford 6 October 1708 and ends 9 April 1713. The logbook covers details of chases with privateers, interceptions of merchantmen, escorting East Indiamen and engagement with the French.

Administrative / biographical background
HMS LINCHFIELD was a 50-gun fourth-rate Royal Navy ship built at Portsmouth Dockyard and launched on 4 February 1695. The Captain used symbols for days of the week moon for Monday 'moonday', followed by the astrological sign for Mars or the anglo-saxon 'Tiw' variation of the god for Tuesday, is the masculine symbol. Mercury or 'Woden' for Wednesday is depicted with horns, Jupiter or Thor for Thursday, Venus or Freya for Friday, depicted as the feminine symbol. Saturn is for Saturday and an image of the sun for Sunday. Each of these symbols can be combined to form the 'monas hieroglyphica'

Record Details

Item reference: LOG/N/L/13; MSS/79/193.0
Catalogue Section: Manuscript volumes acquired singly by the Museum
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1708-10-06 - 1713-04-09; 1713-01-01 - ?
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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