Papers and correspondence relating to Trotter's naval career

A note of thanks 5 November 1794 from the Portuguese Vice Consul at Plymouth thanking Trotter for the care he gave to the sick in his fleet. Letter from Trotter to Evan Nepean reporting on the meritorious conduct of Mr Milligan, Surgeon of the MEDUSA, 2 December 1798, and a letter from Nepean to Trotter responding to Trotter's report on the use of lemon juice in crystal form for curing scurvy, 17 July 1800.

Record Details

Item reference: TRT/1/2; MSS/74/073 MS1974/073 MSS/74/073
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Level: FILE
Date made: 1794-1800
Creator: Trotter, Thomas
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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