Letters from Christian to various correspondents, including General Sir Galbraith Lowry Cole, Chief Justice Blackburn and Mr Cooksey of the Admiralty Board. As well as referring to the day to day running of the station, the papers represent Chrisitan's views on the case of the Portugeuse ship GRATIDAO, 1826.

Copies of letters from Christian to various correspondents, including General Sir Galbraith Lowry Cole, Chief Justice Blackburn and Mr Cooksey of the Admiralty Board. As well as referring to the day to day running of the station, the papers represent Chrisitan's views on the case of the Portugeuse ship GRATIDAO, 1826.

Record Details

Item reference: CHN/125; MS1978/139
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Level: ITEM
Extent: 2 folder, 29 items
Date made: 1826-05-09 - 1826-12-09
Creator: Christian, Hood Hanway
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London