Envelope containing 21 letters to Robert D Oliver's first wife, Mrs Torfrida L.A. Swann (nee Huddart), mostly from Wellington, New Zealand.

Envelope containing 21 letters to Robert D Oliver's first wife, Mrs Torfrida L.A. Swann (nee Huddart), mostly from Wellington, New Zealand (6 March 1938-25 July 1940, including undated); miscellaneous ephemera, including an invitation (n.d.) - 3 items; 11 newspaper cuttings re Mrs Oliver in Wellington (10 Nov 1937-24 September 1938, including undated); photograph of Croiseur JEANNE D'ARC in Wellington (20-26 Feb 1938); and 2 negatives, 1 of RDO and 1 of an unnamed ship (n.d.).

Record Details

Item reference: OLI/4/3; MS1984/030 MSS/84/030
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1937-11-10 - 1940-07-25
Creator: Oliver, Robert Don
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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