Papers of Convict Transport QUEEN, Dublin-New South Wales and complaints against her master, Richard Owen and Agent, Lieutenant Samuel Blow 18 November 1790-21 April 1791 including a copy of the contract and lists of the crew and prisoners

Papers relating to Hood's command of the HEBE, Channel and Irish Sea: relating to the Convict Transport QUEEN, Dublin-New South Wales and complaints against her master, Richard Owen and Agent, Lieutenant Samuel Blow 18 November 1790-21 April 1791 including a copy of the contract and lists of the crew and prisoners

Record Details

Item reference: MKH/9
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1790-1791-12-31; 1790-01-01 - 1791-12-31 1790-1791
Creator: Hood, Alexander
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London