
Bound sheet. Col. ms. Medium: Laid on linen. Physical description Note: Thirteen irregular sheets, joined and folded. Scale: [ca. 1:1 200 (bar)]. Cartographic Note: North at 200 degrees. Soundings marked in the mole. Scale in feet. Additional Places: Tangier. Contents Note: Proposed fortifications shown as dotted traces with dimensions and angles. Street plan. Indication of relief. Bound in volume ten of the Dartmouth collection of maps and plans.

Administrative / biographical background
Charles II acquired Tangier in 1662 as part of his dowry from Catherine of Braganza. This Dartmouth volume contains maps and views documenting works on the fortications of the city and their deliberate destruction when the 'costly, useless and pestilential settlement' was abandoned.

Record Details

Item reference: P/43(2); MS 48-9843
Level: PART
Date made: 1664
Creator: Gomme, Bernard de
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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