Diagram of the comparative stability of bodies. List of surveyors of the Navy, July 1660 to June 1859. Account of the numbers of steam vessels of European and American states.

List of ships of the Royal Navy with their dimensions, when and where they were built and number of guns. Diagram of the comparative stability of bodies. List of surveyors of the Navy, July 1660 to June 1859. Account of the numbers of steam vessels of European and American states. Account of the numbers of steam vessels belonging to the British Empire, 1814-1838. Approximate list of vessels belonging to the Mercantile Steam Marine of the United Kingdom and dependencies, end of 1838. Account of total number of steam vessels belonging to the United Kingdom classed by horse power. List of ships and vessels launched and ports launched from, list of ships taken to pieces, list of ships sold, list of ships lost, 1st January 1832 to 1845. Account of the quantity of ship building timber, thickstaff and plank in store on the 31st of December of each year 1770-1838. Account of the tonnage of the Navy and the number of shipwrights in the dock yards 1702-1844. A list of the number of workmen at the several dock yards on the 1st of January 1805-1844. List of ship hull costs.

Record Details

Item reference: RUSI/NM/66
Catalogue Section: Artificial collections previously assembled
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1665-01-01 - 1864-12-31; 1795-1807 1765-01-01 - 1793-12-31 1808-01-01 - 1816-12-31 1817-1830 1831 - 1845-03
Creator: Naval Manuscripts, Royal United Service Institution
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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