Personal photographs and drawings relating to Commander Norman Douglas Holbrook.

Personal photographs and drawings relating to Commander Norman Douglas Holbrook VC (1888-1976). Including: (1) a magazine article on the marriage of Holbrook to Mrs Viva Dixon, from 'The Queen' magazine, 5 July 1919; (2) and (3) two portrait photographs from the studio of F.A. Swaine, probably of Viva on her wedding day; (4) a portrait photograph of Viva from the studio of Hay Wrightson; (5) & (6) two photographs of Viva, one as a young woman and one later in life; (7) and (8) two copies of the same painting of Viva as a young woman; (9) a portrait, possibly of Viva, painted by Harrington Mann; (10) a painting, possibly of Viva, with a small girl; (11) a photograph of a small girl; (12) a portrait photograph from the studio of F.A. Swaine, of Holbrook as a young man; (13) a carte de visite with a photograph of a young man, taken in 1874, possibly Holbrook's father Arthur; (14) photograph, apprarently of a group of schoolchldren; (15) two colour drawings on the same mount showing scenes in Madeira in 1937; (16) a birthday card; (17, 18, 19 and 20) various paintings and drawings.

Record Details

Item reference: BGR/34/3; MS1983/096
Catalogue Section: Manuscript volumes acquired singly by the Museum
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1919 - 1938
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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