Letter from Rear Admiral Sir George Back to William Govett Romaine, second secretary to the Admiralty.

The letter lists the officers and men who served in the three Arctic expeditions Back had participated in, in response to an request from the Admiralty, which was considering establishing a medal for Arctic exploration. The lists cover the nine men who had survived the first expedition led by Franklin in 1819-1822, the men of the second Franklin expedition in 1825-1827 and the men of Back’s expedition in 1833-1835. The lists include the men’s rank and place of origin and notes when Back believes them to be dead, as this would affect the distribution of medals.
Numbered 47 and 2848.

Administrative / biographical background
George Back had accompanied John Franklin on his first two Arctic expeditions in 1819-1822 and 1825-1827 (and is widely credited with ensuring the survival of the first expedition) and also led an expedition searching for Captain Ross between 1833 and 1835. Ross had returned to England in April 1834, but Back continued his expedition and carried out extensive surveying work in the Arctic regions.

Record Details

Item reference: AGC/51/2; REG03/003659.1 DUP REG03/003659 D2003.082.1 REG03/003659 V2003.139
Catalogue Section: Manuscript documents acquired singly by the Museum
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1857-06-01; 1857-06-03
Creator: Back, George
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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