In-letters and orders received by the Navy Board

In obedience to an order from Captain Thomas Willshaw, a Principal Officer and Commissioner, dated 21 June 1690, the ROYAL CHARLES may presently be fit to rig with the help of 200 men in 5 weeks time. The OSSORY may be cleaned and fitted to take in guns and provisions in 5 weeks time with the help of 180 men, she having about 700 or 800 tunns of ballast on board. The NORTHUMBERLAND may be rigged and fitted to take in guns and provisions with the help of 80 men in 10 days she having her mast and bowsprit to set and but little ballast. The MONMOUTH may take in guns and provisions with the help of 70 men having a whole set of standing shrouds to fit. The KENT may be ready to take in guns and provisions in 10 days with the help of 80 men. Signed Edmund Bassett, Portsmouth Dockyard Officer.

Record Details

Item reference: ADM/A/1767/364
Catalogue Section: Public records: records of the central administration of the Royal Navy and the Merchant Navy
Level: PAGE
Date made: 1690-06-24
Creator: Navy Board, In-Letters And Orders
Credit: © Crown copyright. National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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