Captain Murray, the London, to Captain Markham, angry at recommendation of Smith, a boatswain, who carried liquor into Haslar hospital; promote those recommended by fellow officers, what a fleet is this & how scattered – we don’t seem to know who we belong to ‘…’my only hope is peace for I long to be clear of ships’…’notwithstanding we used to growl sometimes at the Earl [St Vincent] ..they would be very glad to have him here’

3 Oct 1801 Captain Murray, the London, to Captain Markham, angry at recommendation of Smith, a boatswain, who carried liquor into Haslar hospital; promote those recommended by fellow officers, what a fleet is this & how scattered – we don’t seem to know who we belong to ‘…’my only hope is peace for I long to be clear of ships’…’notwithstanding we used to growl sometimes at the Earl [St Vincent] ..they would be very glad to have him here’…

Record Details

Item reference: MRK/101/4/3
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1801
Creator: Murray, George
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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