Stirling, Diadem, off Monte Video, to Markham, at Ades near Lewes, nothing to add to letters sent to the Admiralty, government deceived, and larger force needed against people inimical to us, advantages expected from taking Buenos Ayres not to compensate for the expense, PS hear that Liniers [Spanish commander] has sent an insolent letter

27 Sept 1807, (NRS) Stirling, Diadem, off Monte Video, to Markham, at Ades near Lewes, nothing to add to letters sent to the Admiralty, government deceived, and larger force needed against people inimical to us, advantages expected from taking Buenos Ayres not to compensate for the expense, PS hear that Liniers [Spanish commander] has sent an insolent letter

Record Details

Item reference: MRK/101/4/86
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1807
Creator: Murray, George
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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