Crew List: Agreements and Official Logs for Ship Matura, Official Number 113978

Crew listing continued from BT 400/3650/9A. A McTh?y; rank/rating, 1st Mate; age, 30; place of birth, Parrsborough; previous ship, Matura. Peter H Cowan; rank/rating, 2nd Mate; age, 31; place of birth, Arbroath; previous ship, Matura. R? L? Kajardi; rank/rating, 3rd Mate; age, 35; place of birth, Sweden; previous ship, Matura. Paul Hunt?nn; rank/rating, Carpenter; age, 30; place of birth, German; previous ship, Matura. Harry Wilson; rank/rating, Boatswain; age, 43; place of birth, Hayti; previous ship, Matura. Larenzo Pamboa; rank/rating, Quartermaster; age, 33; place of birth, Curacao; previous ship, Matura. Jab? Cummings; rank/rating, Quartermaster; age, 46; place of birth, Grenada; previous ship, Matura. ?ck Baptist; rank/rating, Quartermaster; age, 42; place of birth, Grenada; previous ship, Matura. Joseph Baird; rank/rating, Sailor; age, 32; place of birth, Barbardos; previous ship, Matura. Jsoeph McS?n; rank/rating, Sailor; age, 31; place of birth, Grenada; previous ship, Matura. John Niles; rank/rating, Sailor; age, 22; place of birth, Trinidad; previous ship, Matura. Wallace Hughes; rank/rating, Sailor; age, 46; place of birth, Anguila; previous ship, Matura. John Gordon; rank/rating, Sailor; age, 41; place of birth, Saville; previous ship, Matura. P?tarti Benjamin; rank/rating, Sailor; age, 28; place of birth, Trinidad; previous ship, Matura. Joseph Sanches; rank/rating, Sailor; age, 28; place of birth, Venezuela; previous ship, Matura. Clarence Jordan; rank/rating, Sailor; age, 26; place of birth, Barbardos; previous ship, Horday. Randolph Kettel; rank/rating, Deck Boy; age, 18; place of birth, Trinidad; previous ship, Matura. Alexander G Macewen; rank/rating, 1st Engineer; age, 37; place of birth, Jovan; previous ship, Matura. R Gray; rank/rating, 2nd Engineer; age, 34; place of birth, Dartford; previous ship, Matura. John Reasey; rank/rating, 3rd Engineer; age, 23; place of birth, Hartlepool; previous ship, Matura. John Campbell; rank/rating, 4th Engineer; age, 36; place of birth, Belfast; previous ship, Matura. S Mer?y; rank/rating, Donkeyman; age, 35; place of birth, Spain; previous ship, Matura. Salvador Fernandez; rank/rating, Fireman and Storekeeper; age, 39; place of birth, Spain; previous ship, Vestris. Frank ? Dbrell; rank/rating, Oiler and Fireman; age, 29; place of birth, Spain; previous ship, Matura. Pedro Bana; rank/rating, Oiler and Fireman; age, 31; place of birth, Greek; previous ship, Monterey. Tope Barbeiro; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 30; place of birth, Spain; previous ship, Matura. Fernando Gutier?; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 24; place of birth, Spain; previous ship, Matura. Jose Matias; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 30; place of birth, Spain; previous ship, Matura. Vincent Illobu; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 30; place of birth, Spain; previous ship, Matura. Antonio Amor; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 25; place of birth, Spain; previous ship, Coamo. Emili Inibausti; rank/rating, Trimmer; age, 21; place of birth, Spain; previous ship, Matura. C?nio Lazo; rank/rating, Trimmer; age, 25; place of birth, Spain; previous ship, Matura. Manuel Fernandez; rank/rating, Trimmer; age, 25; place of birth, Spain; previous ship, Matura. Manuel ?eibeld; rank/rating, Trimmer; age, 26; place of birth, Matura; previous ship, Matura. William Palmer; rank/rating, Chief Steward; age, 38; place of birth, Monsterrat; previous ship, Matura. Thomas ?; rank/rating, 2nd Steward; age, 32; place of birth, Scotland; previous ship, Denis. Ratherme Hill; rank/rating, Stewardess; age, 28; place of birth, Canada; previous ship, Matura. Francis C John; rank/rating, Quartermaster; age, 30; place of birth, Trinidad; previous ship, Matura. Emilo Magras; rank/rating, Quartermaster; age, 28; place of birth, St Barch; previous ship, Matura. William Edghill; rank/rating, Waiter; age, 42; place of birth, Barbados; previous ship, Matura. George M Woodsman; rank/rating, Waiter; age, 28; place of birth, St Kitts; previous ship, Coamo. Emleo G Stone; rank/rating, Waitor; age, 25; place of birth, Trinidad; previous ship, Matura. Falklaw Janeo; rank/rating, Pantryman; age, 25; place of birth, Trinidad; previous ship, Chaleur. Arthur Alexander; rank/rating, Messman; age, 29; place of birth, Trinidad; previous ship, Matura. William Armstrong; rank/rating, Cook and Baker; age, 30; place of birth, Barbardos; previous ship, Matura. Tgedire Willion; rank/rating, 2nd Cook and Baker; age, 22; place of birth, Barbardos; previous ship, Matura. Henry Church; rank/rating, 3rd Cook; age, 23; place of birth, Grenada; previous ship, Matura. Lancelot Thomas Barker; rank/rating, Wireless; age, 19; place of birth, London; previous ship, Matura. Arthur Schweider; rank/rating, Wireless; age, 18; place of birth, American; previous ship, Parima. A Plaza; rank/rating, Fireman and Oiler; age, 38; place of birth, Spain; previous ship, Matura. Antonio Sancher; rank/rating, Trimmer; age, 22; place of birth, Spain; previous ship, Matura. Harry Eccles Beadiley; rank/rating, 2nd Steward; age, 30; place of birth, Paighton; previous ship, Portuguese Prince. John Englecucht; rank/rating, Sailor; age, 20; place of birth, British Guiana; previous ship, San Juan. Philip Baptiste; rank/rating, Able Seaman; age, 33; place of birth, Grenada; previous ship, Matura. Adolphus Coutain; rank/rating, Deck Boy; age, 28; place of birth, Grenada; previous ship, Grenada. E H John; rank/rating, Sailor; age, 22; place of birth, Grenada; previous ship, Taw. Fritz Brauch; rank/rating, Sailor; age, 22; place of birth, Barbados; previous ship, Vayhandel. C Marshall; rank/rating, Waiter; age, 20; place of birth, Barbados; previous ship, Balantia. Whitemoo Lewis; rank/rating, Waiter; age, 36; place of birth, Barbados; previous ship, Matura. Crew listing continued in BT 400/3650/9C.

Record Details

Item reference: RSS/CL/1915/3650/9B; BT400/3650/9B
Catalogue Section: Public records: records of the central administration of the Royal Navy and the Merchant Navy
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1915
Creator: Registrar General Of Shipping And Seamen
Credit: © Crown copyright. National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London