Crew List: Agreements and Official Logs for Ship Aranmore, Official Number 121318

David J Coupland; rank/rating, Master; age, 38; place of birth, Wigtownshire; previous ship, Aranmore of Glasgow. James Blair; rank/rating, 1st Mate; age, 39; place of birth, County Antrim; previous ship, Aranmore of Glasgow. George McTavish; rank/rating, 2nd Mate; age, 31; place of birth, Argyle; previous ship, Aranmore of Glasgow. Daniel Macneill; rank/rating, Able Seaman and Cattleman; age, 31; place of birth, Argyle; previous ship, Aranmore of Glasgow. Murdo McLennan; rank/rating, Able Seaman and Cattleman; age, 23; place of birth, Harris; previous ship, Ryanite. John McElheron; rank/rating, Able Seaman; age, 22; place of birth, Belfast; previous ship, Aranmore of Glasgow. Neil McEwan; rank/rating, Able Seaman; age, 23; place of birth, Argyle; previous ship, Aranmore of Glasgow. Malcolm Nicolson; rank/rating, Able Seaman; age, 25; place of birth, Skye; previous ship, Aranmore of Glasgow. Duncan Thomson; rank/rating, Able Seaman; age, 26; place of birth, Argyle; previous ship, Aranmore of Glasgow. John Lewis; rank/rating, Able Seaman; age, 27; place of birth, County Antrim; previous ship, Aranmore of Glasgow. John Mathison; rank/rating, Able Seaman; age, 36; place of birth, Rosshire; previous ship, Aranmore of Glasgow. Albert G Cooper; rank/rating, Seaman; age, 26; place of birth, Aylsbury; previous ship, Aranmore of Glasgow. Albert Simmons; rank/rating, Seaman; age, 43; place of birth, Surrey; previous ship, Aranmore of Glasgow. T Rock; rank/rating, Cook; age, 53; place of birth, Stafford; previous ship, Aranmore of Glasgow. Ian B Macdiarmid; rank/rating, 1st Engineer; age, 28; place of birth, Glasgow; previous ship, Aranmore of Glasgow. Alexander Dryburgh; rank/rating, 2nd Engineer; age, 27; place of birth, Chiswick; previous ship, Karaman. Hugh McCorkindale; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 48; place of birth, Argyle; previous ship, Aranmore of Glasgow. James Moir; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 27; place of birth, Renfrew; previous ship, Aranmore of Glasgow. M Murphy; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 44; place of birth, Cork; previous ship, Aranmore of Glasgow. Angus Campbell; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 48; place of birth, Glasgow; previous ship, Aranmore of Glasgow. John Johnston; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 33; place of birth, Inverness; previous ship, Aranmore of Glasgow. John Brownlee; rank/rating, Donkeyman; age, 52; place of birth, at Sea; previous ship, Aranmore of Glasgow. Steward Brownlee; rank/rating, Craneman; age, 26; place of birth, Glasgow; previous ship, Aranmore of Glasgow. James Lunnery; rank/rating, Craneman; age, 34; place of birth, Glasgow; previous ship, Aranmore of Glasgow. James Linney; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 38; place of birth, Donegal; previous ship, Skerryvore of Glasgow. William Hewson; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 55; place of birth, Belfast; previous ship, Sanda. D McDougall; rank/rating, Able Seaman; age, 50; place of birth, Loch Nevis; previous ship, Raphael of Liverpool. T Long; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 35; place of birth, Cork; previous ship, Sard of Glasgow. J McNeill; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 46; place of birth, County Antrim; previous ship, Manchester City of Manchester. Thomas N Pullar; rank/rating, Chief Engineer; age, 37; place of birth, Lanark; previous ship, Aranmore of Glasgow. Ian B Macdiarmid; rank/rating, 2nd Engineer; age, 28; place of birth, Glasgow; previous ship, Aranmore of Glasgow. Duncan Thomson; rank/rating, Able Seaman; age, 26; place of birth, Argyle; previous ship, Aranmore of Glasgow. J G Johnston; rank/rating, 2nd Engineer; age, 50; place of birth, Glasgow; previous ship, Skerryvore of Glasgow. Ian B Macdiarmid; rank/rating, 2nd Engineer; age, 28; place of birth, Glasgow; previous ship, Aranmore of Glasgow. John Collins; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 27; place of birth, Limerick; previous ship, Collingwood of Liverpool. James T Brown; rank/rating, Master; age, 36; place of birth, Argyle; previous ship, Skerryvore of Glasgow. James Finney; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 38; place of birth, Donegal; previous ship, Aranmore of Glasgow. J Long; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 27; place of birth, Cork; previous ship, Skerryvore of Glasgow. David J Coupland; rank/rating, Master; age, 38; place of birth, Wigtownshire; previous ship, Aranmore of Glasgow. Alexander Russell; rank/rating, Cook; age, 44; place of birth, Hounslow; previous ship, Formby of Liverpool. James Mayberry; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 35; place of birth, County Antrim; previous ship, Princess Louisa. James O'Hare; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 50; place of birth, County Louth; previous ship, Teviot of Glasgow. Archibald Gillow; rank/rating, Master; age, 37; place of birth, Argyle; previous ship, Tuskar of London. Timothy Donoghue; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 42; place of birth, Cork; previous ship, Warner of Glasgow. Patrick Gallin; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 35; place of birth, Glasgow; previous ship, Mombassa. George Hunter; rank/rating, 1st Mate; age, 33; place of birth, Wigtownshire; previous ship, Garmeryle. William Burns; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 40; place of birth, Glasgow; previous ship, Afton of Glasgow. James T Brown; rank/rating, Master; age, 36; place of birth, Argyle; previous ship, Pladda of Glasgow. John McKinnon; rank/rating, 2nd Mate; age, 26; place of birth, Skye; previous ship, Skerryvore of Glasgow. A Campbell; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 48; place of birth, Glasgow; previous ship, Morgans. N Macmillan; rank/rating, 1st Mate; age, 31; place of birth, Argyle; previous ship, Ryard. D McRae; rank/rating, 2nd Mate; age, 32; place of birth, Invernesshire; previous ship, Eddystone of London. John Collins; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 28; place of birth, Toynes; previous ship, Ballycotton of Glasgow. Dennis McKay; rank/rating, Able Seaman; age, 28; place of birth, Campbelton; previous ship, Coverall. Sydney Mobuk; rank/rating, Cattleman and Able Seaman; age, 23; place of birth, Sidney; previous ship, Dungeness.

Record Details

Item reference: RSS/CL/1915/3767/14; BT400/3767/14
Catalogue Section: Public records: records of the central administration of the Royal Navy and the Merchant Navy
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1915
Creator: Registrar General Of Shipping And Seamen
Credit: © Crown copyright. National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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