Crew List: Agreements and Official Logs for Ship Pollentia, Official Number 137444

Leonard Gibbs; rank/rating, Master; age, 48; place of birth, London; previous ship, Jeanette Woerman. A Mugford; rank/rating, 1st Officer; age, 38; place of birth, Teignmouth; previous ship, same. Maurice E Morris; rank/rating, 2nd Officer; age, 38; place of birth, Portmadoc; previous ship, Nero. Ernest H Usher; rank/rating, 3rd Officer; age, 44; place of birth, Birmingham; previous ship, Dewsland. Peter Cunningham; rank/rating, Carpenter; age, 27; place of birth, Kings County; previous ship, 1st Voyage. Edward Knot; rank/rating, Boatswain; age, 45; place of birth, Liverpool; previous ship, same. Ellis Williams; rank/rating, Seaman; age, 27; place of birth, Liverpool; previous ship, Scandinavian. H Werherden; rank/rating, Seaman; age, 34; place of birth, Holland; previous ship, Camelia. Henry Dignum; rank/rating, Seaman; age, 34; place of birth, Usa; previous ship, Fabian. K Jensen; rank/rating, Able Seaman; age, 24; place of birth, Denmark; previous ship, Gascony. J McGurk; rank/rating, Seaman; age, 32; place of birth, Liverpool; previous ship, Venetian. F Pederlag; rank/rating, Able Seaman; age, 26; place of birth, Denmark; previous ship, Gascony. Sam Palmer; rank/rating, Able Seaman; age, 23; place of birth, Queenstown; previous ship, Lusitania. ? ?; rank/rating, Seaman; age, 35; place of birth, Whitehaven; previous ship, Uson. D Venemis; rank/rating, Seaman; age, 34; place of birth, Holland; previous ship, Gascony. Thomas Gates; rank/rating, Ordinary Seaman and Messroom Steward; age, 15; place of birth, Liverpool; previous ship, 1st Voyage. Daniel Douglas Johnson; rank/rating, Waiter; age, 21; place of birth, Chester; previous ship, Pannonia. T Heggie; rank/rating, Chief Engineer; age, 50; place of birth, Liverpool; previous ship, same. W A Evans; rank/rating, 2nd Engineer; age, 40; place of birth, Liverpool; previous ship, same. A Campbell; rank/rating, 3rd Engineer; age, 28; place of birth, Aukland; previous ship, Brittany. Jonathan Hanlan; rank/rating, Donkeyman; age, 45; place of birth, Liverpool; previous ship, Ikbal. George Bell; rank/rating, Greaser; age, 40; place of birth, Liverpool; previous ship, Berrima. John May; rank/rating, Greaser; age, 38; place of birth, Liverpool; previous ship, Georgic. William Abbott; rank/rating, Greaser; age, 34; place of birth, Barnes; previous ship, Nicosian. A Burling; rank/rating, Fireman and Trimmer; age, 24; place of birth, Tasmania; previous ship, Dromore. R Ramsey; rank/rating, Fireman and Trimmer; age, 28; place of birth, Newport; previous ship, Baltic. T Amandiaga; rank/rating, Fireman and Trimmer; age, 28; place of birth, Spain; previous ship, Lingfield. Daniel O'Hagan; rank/rating, Fireman and Trimmer; age, 27; place of birth, Liverpool; previous ship, Vedamore. E Jackson; rank/rating, Fireman and Trimmer; age, 31; place of birth, Middlesbrough; previous ship, Corcovado. F Parkes; rank/rating, Fireman and Trimmer; age, 34; place of birth, Liverpool; previous ship, Scandinavian. C H Foulkes; rank/rating, Chief Steward; age, 38; place of birth, Seaforth; previous ship, Torino. Loughlin Donnelly; rank/rating, Waiter; age, 21; place of birth, County Armagh; previous ship, 1st Voyage. Charles McArdle; rank/rating, Ship's Cook; age, 45; place of birth, Crew; previous ship, Veria. John Overend; rank/rating, Assistant Cook and Ship's Baker; age, 24; place of birth, Liverpool; previous ship, Franconia. T H Drummond; rank/rating, 4th Engineer; age, 22; place of birth, Liverpool; previous ship, 1st Voyage. George Watson; rank/rating, Fireman and Trimmer and Greaser; age, 49; place of birth, Greenwich; previous ship, Highland Brigade. George Watson; rank/rating, Mess Room Steward; age, 19; place of birth, London; previous ship, 1st Voyage. John F Power; rank/rating, Able Seaman; age, 30; place of birth, Liverpool; previous ship, Glenmavis. Edward Gorman; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 30; place of birth, London; previous ship, Victorian. John Scannell; rank/rating, Seaman; age, 21; place of birth, County Cork; previous ship, Lusitania. George Hart; rank/rating, Fireman and Trimmer; age, 22; place of birth, New York; previous ship, Amazon. Thomas Purtell; rank/rating, Fireman and Trimmer; age, (not stated); place of birth, Dublin; previous ship, Amazon. P M Tribler; rank/rating, Seaman; age, 24; place of birth, Dane; previous ship, ?more. Bernard Coen; rank/rating, Fireman and Trimmer; age, 23; place of birth, ?; previous ship, Venus. W Stewart; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 42; place of birth, Newcastle; previous ship, Turret Crown. O Pierotte; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 19; place of birth, Leghorn; previous ship, Manchester Corporation. F Briggs; rank/rating, Waiter; age, 45; place of birth, London; previous ship, Lorenlie. ? ?; rank/rating, Waiter; age, 35; place of birth, Greece; previous ship, 1st Voyage.

Record Details

Item reference: RSS/CL/1915/4017/2; BT400/4017/2
Catalogue Section: Public records: records of the central administration of the Royal Navy and the Merchant Navy
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1915
Creator: Registrar General Of Shipping And Seamen
Credit: © Crown copyright. National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London