Markham to his father sending a copy of his court martial, expect to be reinstated, believing I was politically tried and condemned for an accident not a mistake, dismissed from service for firing into a flag of truce, but the vessel did not have proper colours up, court reprimanded the Frenchman, my sentence unexpected by the fleet, the Admiral a double man, always did my duty, to consult old officers, convoy sails for home soon

14 June 1782, Markham, Port Royal, to his father, [annotated age 21 exactly], 2 pages, sending a copy of his court martial, expect to be reinstated, believing I was politically tried and condemned for an accident not a mistake, dismissed from service for firing into a flag of truce, but the vessel did not have proper colours up, court reprimanded the Frenchman, my sentence unexpected by the fleet, the Admiral a double man, always did my duty, to consult old officers, convoy sails for home soon

Record Details

Item reference: MRK/107/1/16
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1782
Creator: Markham, John
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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