Crew List: Agreements and Official Logs for Ship Abbassieh, Official Number 115845

Crew listing continued from BT 400/3687/3B. Celemai Defterios; rank/rating, Leading Fireman; age, 48; place of birth, Greek; previous ship, Foreign. Jean Micos; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 28; place of birth, Greek; previous ship, Milo. Constantino Nicolaou; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 20; place of birth, Greek; previous ship, Foreign. Jean Criticos; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 28; place of birth, Greek; previous ship, Foreign. Panagotti Angeletaki; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 30; place of birth, Greek; previous ship, Collingwood. Jean Sigoridis; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 28; place of birth, Greek; previous ship, Foreign. Stamati Manasi; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 32; place of birth, Greek; previous ship, Foreign. Nicola Mihail; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 23; place of birth, Greek; previous ship, Foreign. Spiro Marmara; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 25; place of birth, Ottoman; previous ship, Foreign. Alexandre Andreiu; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 24; place of birth, Ottaman; previous ship, Midlothoian. Mihail Panayottidi; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 21; place of birth, Ottaman; previous ship, Midlothian. Lazaro Nicolaou; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 24; place of birth, Greek; previous ship, Foreign. Vassili Criticos; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 22; place of birth, Greek; previous ship, Foreign. Niazzi Collemiru; rank/rating, Coal Trimmer; age, 30; place of birth, Greek; previous ship, Foreign. Paolo Phillipo; rank/rating, Coal Trimmer; age, 30; place of birth, Greek; previous ship, Foreign. George Panayotti; rank/rating, Coal Trimmer; age, 26; place of birth, Greek; previous ship, Foreign. Jean Hylavis; rank/rating, Coal Trimmer; age, 20; place of birth, Greek; previous ship, Foreign. Evengelo Politi; rank/rating, Coal Trimmer; age, 20; place of birth, Greek; previous ship, Foreign. Nicola Stratis; rank/rating, Coal Trimmer; age, 24; place of birth, Greek; previous ship, Foreign. Parascheva Apostolo; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 20; place of birth, Greek; previous ship, Midlothian. Abdulla Morice; rank/rating, Greaser; age, 34; place of birth, Aden; previous ship, T?eador. Mohamed Hassan; rank/rating, Coal Trimmer; age, 24; place of birth, Colombo; previous ship, Foreign. Abdou Ali Salama; rank/rating, Coal Trimmer; age, 32; place of birth, Port Said; previous ship, Foreign. Farah Ali; rank/rating, Coal Trimmer; age, 20; place of birth, Berbera; previous ship, Foreign. Lefteri Mehalondi; rank/rating, Able Seaman; age, 20; place of birth, Greek; previous ship, Foreign. Nicola Saris; rank/rating, Able Seaman; age, 22; place of birth, Greek; previous ship, Foreign. Constantino Antoniades; rank/rating, Fireman Boy; age, 17; place of birth, Greek; previous ship, first ship. George Constantino; rank/rating, Leading Fireman; age, 25; place of birth, Chios, Greece; previous ship, Assouan. Nicola Papalefkeri; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 26; place of birth, Leros, Greece; previous ship, Prince Abbas. Costi Caramelakis; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 28; place of birth, Greek ?; previous ship, Foreign. Thesdro Mehailidis; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 22; place of birth, Greek Cyprus; previous ship, Kossier. Giovanni Cocovich; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 27; place of birth, Chios, Greece; previous ship, Foreign. Nicolas Condos; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 26; place of birth, Leros, Greece; previous ship, Foreign. Dimitri Athanasion; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 37; place of birth, Greek-constantinople; previous ship, Osmanieh. Spiro Marmaria; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 25; place of birth, Greek-constantinople; previous ship, same. George Zurudis; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 25; place of birth, Simi, Greece; previous ship, Foreign. Hasan Aly; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 38; place of birth, Alexandria, Egypt; previous ship, Aida. Mihali Arcoleko; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 30; place of birth, Greek; previous ship, Prince Abbas. Fotiu Lagopalo; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 26; place of birth, Greek; previous ship, Foreign. Sava Mihailides; rank/rating, Coal Trimmer; age, 23; place of birth, British Cyprus; previous ship, Prince Abbas. Evangelos Mihailides; rank/rating, Coal Trimmer; age, 27; place of birth, British Cyprus; previous ship, Foreign. Yoannis Angelitis; rank/rating, Coal Trimmer; age, 32; place of birth, Chios, Greece; previous ship, Foreign. Nicola Angelitis; rank/rating, Coal Trimmer; age, 30; place of birth, Chios, Greece; previous ship, Foreign. Evangelo Angelis; rank/rating, Coal Trimmer; age, 24; place of birth, Chios, Greece; previous ship, Foreign. Vassilio Zacaria; rank/rating, Coal Trimmer; age, 19; place of birth, Greek ?; previous ship, first ship. Yoannis Angelitis; rank/rating, Coal Trimmer; age, 32; place of birth, Chios, Greece; previous ship, Foreign. Hassan Aly; rank/rating, Coal Trimmer; age, 38; place of birth, Alexandria, Egypt; previous ship, Aida. Abdul Hamid Memhet; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 27; place of birth, Alexandria; previous ship, Tewfikieh. Mehmet Abournagga; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 33; place of birth, Alexandria; previous ship, Tewfikieh. B Fatoy?; rank/rating, Chief Steward; age, 36; place of birth, Greek; previous ship, same. D Mam?; rank/rating, Chief Cook; age, 30; place of birth, Greek; previous ship, same. Georges Cotzicos; rank/rating, 2nd Cook; age, 39; place of birth, Serifos, Greece; previous ship, same. N Hinas; rank/rating, 3rd Cook; age, 24; place of birth, Cyprus, Greece; previous ship, same. Mihali Sinadino; rank/rating, Assistant Cook; age, 38; place of birth, Greek; previous ship, same. Stavros Li?; rank/rating, Storekeeper; age, 46; place of birth, Limnos, Greece; previous ship, same. C Tarona; rank/rating, Assistant Storekeeper; age, 20; place of birth, British; previous ship, same. ? Stierg?; rank/rating, Stewardess; age, 61; place of birth, Austrian; previous ship, same. C Setris; rank/rating, First Waiter; age, 29; place of birth, Greek; previous ship, same. Crew listing continued in BT 400/3687/3D.

Record Details

Item reference: RSS/CL/1915/3687/3C; BT400/3687/3C
Catalogue Section: Public records: records of the central administration of the Royal Navy and the Merchant Navy
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1915
Creator: Registrar General Of Shipping And Seamen
Credit: © Crown copyright. National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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