Crew List: Agreements and Official Logs for Ship Pannonia, Official Number 118080

Thomas Sullivan; rank/rating, Horseman; age, 33; place of birth, America; previous ship, same. Harry Green; rank/rating, Horseman; age, 30; place of birth, America; previous ship, same. Thomas King; rank/rating, Horseman; age, 30; place of birth, America; previous ship, same. Ralph Coker; rank/rating, Horseman; age, 25; place of birth, America; previous ship, same. Pat Brown; rank/rating, Horseman; age, 34; place of birth, America; previous ship, same. Timothy Rourke; rank/rating, Horseman; age, 38; place of birth, Seaco?gh; previous ship, same. Patrick B?field; rank/rating, Horseman; age, 38; place of birth, Leitrim; previous ship, same. J? J E?ley; rank/rating, Horseman; age, 38; place of birth, America; previous ship, same. C P Murphy; rank/rating, Horseman; age, 38; place of birth, America; previous ship, same. C Hayes; rank/rating, Horseman; age, 22; place of birth, America; previous ship, same. M Utela; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 37; place of birth, Surinam; previous ship, same. G Marshall; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 28; place of birth, London; previous ship, Ansonia. J Brown; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 35; place of birth, London; previous ship, Huntsend. Alfred Baxter; rank/rating, Trimmer; age, 28; place of birth, London; previous ship, Highland Scot. T J Brandon; rank/rating, Horseman; age, 34; place of birth, Glasgow; previous ship, Pannonia of Liverpool. D Sweeney; rank/rating, Horseman; age, 34; place of birth, Ireland; previous ship, Pannonia of Liverpool. M Crumnock; rank/rating, Horseman; age, 41; place of birth, Greenock; previous ship, Pannonia of Liverpool. John Dorsey; rank/rating, Horseman; age, 27; place of birth, Ireland; previous ship, Pannonia of Liverpool. Ed Walsh; rank/rating, Horseman; age, 31; place of birth, County Cork, Ireland; previous ship, Pannonia of Liverpool. R Burns; rank/rating, Horseman; age, 46; place of birth, America; previous ship, Pannonia of Liverpool. Thomas McGrath; rank/rating, Horseman, Deckhand; age, 35; place of birth, Boston; previous ship, same. David H Rowe; rank/rating, Assistant Steward; age, 29; place of birth, London; previous ship, Majestic. Cecil N Brock; rank/rating, Assistant Steward; age, 29; place of birth, London; previous ship, St Louis. Charles Frith; rank/rating, Deckhand; age, 22; place of birth, London; previous ship, W Elliott. David Frame; rank/rating, Deckhand; age, 30; place of birth, Glasgow; previous ship, first. John Harvey; rank/rating, Deckhand; age, 24; place of birth, Dublin; previous ship, first. Alfred Carr; rank/rating, Deckhand; age, 21; place of birth, Roscommon; previous ship, first. J H Weveille; rank/rating, Sailor; age, 23; place of birth, T?, Canada; previous ship, Westmount. F? Nielsen; rank/rating, Sailor; age, 21; place of birth, Denmark; previous ship, Leonatus. Thomas McLean; rank/rating, Sailor; age, 36; place of birth, Glasgow; previous ship, Annsta. R Capper; rank/rating, Master; age, 42; place of birth, Liverpool; previous ship, same. R Jones; rank/rating, 1st Mate; age, 34; place of birth, Carnarvon; previous ship, same. Robert J Pritchard; rank/rating, 2nd Mate; age, 49; place of birth, Carnarvon; previous ship, same. R J Allen; rank/rating, 3rd Mate; age, 30; place of birth, Carnarvon; previous ship, same. H Jackson; rank/rating, Carpenter; age, 43; place of birth, Liverpool; previous ship, same. J ?ls; rank/rating, Boatswain; age, 50; place of birth, Redhill; previous ship, same. T Lokers; rank/rating, Boatswain's Mate; age, 24; place of birth, Holland; previous ship, same. T Hone; rank/rating, Seaman; age, 39; place of birth, Vancouver; previous ship, same. J Potter; rank/rating, Able Seaman; age, 29; place of birth, Northfleet; previous ship, same. Daniel Whyte; rank/rating, Able Seaman; age, 46; place of birth, Rothesay; previous ship, same. Gustaf Londakl; rank/rating, Seaman; age, 23; place of birth, Sweden; previous ship, Balmoral Castle. L Kaek; rank/rating, Able Seaman; age, 42; place of birth, Denmark; previous ship, Crosby. Albert Begringter; rank/rating, Seaman; age, 27; place of birth, Belgium; previous ship, Daghestan. W Paterson; rank/rating, Seaman, Quartermaster; age, 27; place of birth, Edinburgh; previous ship, same. T Petersen; rank/rating, Seaman, Quartermaster; age, 18; place of birth, Denmark; previous ship, Pomeranian. A Munster; rank/rating, Seaman; age, 17; place of birth, Denmark; previous ship, Ellen Lloyd. O Holmstrom; rank/rating, Seaman; age, 28; place of birth, Russia; previous ship, Norwegian. John Rayher; rank/rating, Able Seaman; age, 45; place of birth, Norway; previous ship, Andania. G Smith; rank/rating, Seaman, Quartermaster; age, 25; place of birth, Liverpool; previous ship, same. J Ogilvie; rank/rating, Seaman; age, 29; place of birth, Glasgow; previous ship, same. Harry Lobb; rank/rating, Seaman; age, 29; place of birth, Torquay; previous ship, Sicilian. A ?; rank/rating, Seaman; age, 26; place of birth, Russia; previous ship, same. L Van Do?nd; rank/rating, Seaman; age, 52; place of birth, Belgium; previous ship, same. H Fory; rank/rating, Seaman; age, 21; place of birth, Russia; previous ship, City of Perth. P Barlshead; rank/rating, Seaman; age, 35; place of birth, London; previous ship, Cymbeline. A Lebbern; rank/rating, Seaman; age, 32; place of birth, Southampton; previous ship, Norman. C Carlson; rank/rating, Seaman; age, 25; place of birth, Sweden; previous ship, Norman. Sam Moss; rank/rating, Seaman, Quartermaster; age, 23; place of birth, London; previous ship, Kroonland. Barnett Baron; rank/rating, Seaman; age, 21; place of birth, London; previous ship, Highland Laird. T J Brady; rank/rating, Wireless Operator; age, 20; place of birth, Cavan; previous ship, same. M Petrie; rank/rating, Wireless Operator; age, 17; place of birth, Dundee; previous ship, first. J O ?owley; rank/rating, Doctor; age, 48; place of birth, Pennsylvania; previous ship, same. J Lee; rank/rating, Seaman; age, 21; place of birth, London; previous ship, Lady Kerdim. F J Noonan; rank/rating, Boatswain's Mate; age, 23; place of birth, Chicago, Usa; previous ship, Rotorua. H G Warren; rank/rating, Wireless Operator; age, 22; place of birth, Nott; previous ship, Portuguese Prince. J H Knight; rank/rating, Wireless Operator; age, 26; place of birth, Horbury; previous ship, Portuguese Prince. Robert Scott; rank/rating, Sailor; age, 31; place of birth, Dumbarton; previous ship, Tottenham. G Ol?wler; rank/rating, Able Seaman; age, 29; place of birth, Stockholm; previous ship, Marmion. Crew listing continued in BT 400/3702/11B.

Record Details

Item reference: RSS/CL/1915/3702/11A; BT400/3702/11A
Catalogue Section: Public records: records of the central administration of the Royal Navy and the Merchant Navy
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1915
Creator: Registrar General Of Shipping And Seamen
Credit: © Crown copyright. National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London