MM to Captain Markham, HMS Centaur, on her opinion of how to act now she is married, on a Mrs Chetwynd Stapleton,on her fears of separation, Saturday morning: asking for news of the Centaur, family news, on an estate at Osgoodby

No Date, [1798], MM to Captain Markham, HMS Centaur,( extract, possibly a continuation of letter of 30 July above), on her opinion of how to act now she is married, on a Mrs Chetwynd Stapleton,on her fears of separation, Saturday morning: asking for news of the Centaur, family news, on an estate at Osgoodby

Record Details

Item reference: MRK/107/3/24
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1798
Creator: Markham, Maria
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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