Orders sent to the tug NORD for the final evacuation from Cape Helles, 8 January 1916.

Two naval signal forms with orders for the tug NORD to proceed with a flotilla to Gully Beach Pier for the final evacuation from Cape Helles on the night of 8 January 1916. Together with printed navigational notes and a chart showing the positions of lights. The orders were sent by Captain Carver, Beachmaster at Imbros, and received by Probationary Midshipman John Douglas Ross, RNR.

Administrative / biographical background
Ross was born at Iverheath in Buckinghamshire in 1896 and was a cadet on HMS CONWAY on the River Mersey in 1910-1912. At the time of the Dardanelles campaign he was a probationary midshipman in the Royal Naval Reserve. In May 1916 he was mentioned in despatches for his good services on the tug NORD employed on transport duties. He transferred to the Royal Navy in July 1916. Records of his service can be found at The National Archives, see ADM 196/96/115 and ADM 196/146/455.

Record Details

Item reference: HSR/K/8; MSS/67/024
Catalogue Section: Manuscript documents acquired singly by the Museum
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1916-01-08; 1916
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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