Robert Calder to Sir Henry Martin, Comptroller, with recommendations on the top masts, on his alterations to the top gallant shrouds of the Theseus, on erecting a wheel in his cabin suspended from the beams of the poop deck to steer the ship, fitted with an iron tiller, for which the officers of the Theseus have signed their support.

20 April 1795, Robert Calder, Theseus, Fort Royal Bay, Martinique, to Sir Henry Martin, Comptroller, London, with recommendations on the top masts, on his alterations to the top gallant shrouds of the Theseus, on erecting a wheel in his cabin suspended from the beams of the poop deck to steer the ship, fitted with an iron tiller, for which the officers of the Theseus have signed their support (Pages 15-19)

Record Details

Item reference: MRK/100/6/3
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1793
Creator: Calder, Robert
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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