By hellship to Hiroshima / Terence Kelly.

This book describes the author's experiences as a prisonor of war in the Far East during the Second World War. He had been flying Hurricanes against the Japanese in Singapore, Sumatra and Java when he was taken prisoner in 1942 and transported to Japan in the notorious freighter Dai Nichi Maru. Many prisonors died on the voyage due to the appalling conditions on board. On arrival at a prison camp on the island of Innoshima, in the district of Hiroshima, he was set to work at the Hitachi shipyards; this provided Kelly and his fellow captives with the opportunity to carry out acts of sabotage. The bombing of Innoshima by the British and Americans is vividly described and there is a brief reference to the dropping of the atom bomb. The epilogue covers his return to Hiroshima in 1998 as part of a British Legion delegation to Japan. There are some illustrations and black and white photographs and a name index.

Record Details

Publisher: Pen & Sword,
Pub Date: 2006.
Pages: 244 p. :


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