The Arctic whaling journals of William Scoresby the younger. edited by C. Ian Jackson ; with an appendix by Fred M. Walker.

"This is the third and final volume in the set of William Scoresby's journals. It contains the unpublished accounts of his three voyages 1817, 1818 and 1820. [...] In each of the journals, Scoresby wrote detailed descriptions of his landings: on Jan Mayen in 1817, western Spitsbergen in 1818, and the Langanes peninsula in north-east Iceland in 1820. The 1817 voyage, when Scoresby and others found the Greenland Sea relatively free of ice, involved him in the renewed British interest in arctic maritime exploration after the Napoleonic Wars. The Introduction to this volume contains a major reappraisal of Scoresby's role, especially in regard to his alleged mistreatment by John Barrow, Second Secretary of the Admiralty. The volume also contains an appendix by Fred M. Walker on the building of wooden whaleships such as the Baffin that were capable of routine ice navigation under sail as far north as 80ÀN, based on Scoresby's account, as Owners' Representative, at the beginning of the 1820 journal".--Provided by the publisher.

Record Details

Publisher: Ashgate ;
Pub Date: 2009.
Pages: xli, 245 p. :


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