The Crinoline church, Eastney Barracks : the story of the Royal Marine Artillery church, its chaplains and its baptisms, 1866-1905 /Dennis Bill

Named after the shape of the building, the Crinoline Church was founded in Southsea in 1858 before moving to its St George's Road site in 1866. It remained there until 1905 when it was superseded by the permanent Royal Marine Artillery church dedicated to St Andrew, which was built in Henderson Road, Eastney. This book provides a history of the building, explores the link with the Crimean War and identifies the likely architects. Details of the memorials moved to St Andrew's from the original church are included and those named on memorials are listed along with brief biographies. A full list of baptisms performed at the church, transcribed from the original register held at The National Archives, is included and covers the period from 21 July 1866 to the end of 1905. The details provided in this are the baptism date, birth date and name of the child, and parents' names and rank when given. The author has also provided brief biographies of those baptised in the church and who were awarded gallantry medals (including the Meritorious Service Medal) or named on memorials. The author also provides short biographies of the Chaplains who performed baptisms in the church.

Record Details

Publisher: Royal Marines Historical Society,
Pub Date: 2016.
Pages: 279 p. :


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