The lost story of the Ocean Monarch : Fire, family & fidelity /Gill Hoffs

"The Ocean Monarch was only a few hours out of Liverpool on 24 August 1848 when a cabin passenger shouted "Fire!" and all hell broke loose. Bound for Boston with almost 400 people on board, the emigrant ship was soon ablaze with little chance of putting the flames out. People watched helplessly from their cottages along the Welsh coast as some ships ignored the travellers' plight while others raced to their aid. On the 170th anniversary of the disaster Gill Hoffs reveals the full story of this forgotten wreck, including tales of French royalty, an American artist, and a courageous stewardess who gave her life to save her fellow travellers. Discover what happened to the passengers and crew, including: James K. Fellows, a kindly American jeweller trying to get home to his family; Jotham Bragdon, the first mate who fled the wreck then returned to shore a hero; Mary Walter and her mysterious 'family', escaping danger in London only to find greater peril lay at sea. Follow the murder trial of a crew of rescuers and find out the real fate of their 'victim' - and whether the mysterious Irish toddler 'Kate' found her family again."--Provided by the publisher.

Record Details

Publisher: Pen & Sword History,
Pub Date: 2018.
Pages: xii, 241 p. with 8 p. of unnumbered plates:


Call Number
656.61.085.3OCEAN MONARCH
Item ID
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