The B & I Line : a history of the British and Irish Steam Packet Company

This book relates the history of the B & I (British and Irish Steam Packet Company) in three parts. Part 1 tells the story of the City of Dublin Steam Packet Company which was founded in 1824. For many years it held the contract for mails from Britain to Ireland. Part 2 relates the history of the old B & I Steam Packet Company, which was founded in 1836. Part 3 deals with the Cork Steamship Company, which mainly served southern Ireland to Wales. However, its most famous ship was the Sirius, which in April 1838 sailed into New York and thus became the first steamship to inaugurate a regular transatlantic service. The modern B & I is the sucessor to these three companies. The book has black and white photos and illustrations. Appendix 1 lists the captains of the fleet 1934-84; Appendix 2 lists the Chief Engineers; Appendix 3 has a fleet list (1984). There is an index of ships and a general index.

Record Details

Publisher: Gill & Macmillan
Pub Date: 1984
Pages: 246p : ill


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