The Type 12 frigate HMS Londonderry (1958). In the asdic control room between 35½ and 39 stations on the starboard side of 1 deck.

On board the Type 12 frigate HMS Londonderry (1958) alongside the fitting out berth at the West Cowes shipyard of John Samuel White & Co Ltd. The photographer is in the asdic control room on the starboard side of 1 deck between 35½ and 39 stations looking to port and aft. The three chairs against the starboard side of the ship on the left are the Type 177 asdic consoles for the range operator, the bearing operator and the doppler operator. In the aft alcove is a ship's speed repeater, a junction box, two range retransmission units, a range and bearing retransmission unit and two telephones. The three chairs in the right foreground are for the type 170B asdic centre, range and depth consoles. In the centre on a raised platform is the chair of the senior officer and behind is the position of the recorder bearing operator.

Object Details

ID: N66802
Collection: Historic Photographs
Type: Sheet film negative
Display location: Not on display
Vessels: Londonderry (1958)
Date made: Before 20 July 1960
Credit: © Crown copyright. National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London, Admiralty Collection