The Type 12 frigate HMS Berwick (1959). In the transmitting station annexe between 28¼ and 31 stations on the starboard side of 2 deck.

On board the Type 12 frigate HMS Berwick (1959) alongside the south wall in No.3 basin at Chatham Dockyard, near the end of her modernization which commenced 4 December 1967 and completed 4 June 1971. The photographer is in the transmitting station annexe between 28¼ and 31 stations on the starboard side of 2 deck looking forward from 30 station on the port side of the annexe showing the door on the left with maintenance record cards in two boxes by the side of the door. A C.V. rectifier with a fire control MRS 3, mod 3 junction box above it are against the forward bulkhead and the door to the transmitting station is next to them. A vertical format negative.

Object Details

ID: N67358
Collection: Historic Photographs
Type: Roll film negative
Display location: Not on display
Vessels: Berwick (1959)
Date made: February - 12 March 1971
Credit: © Crown copyright. National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London, Admiralty Collection