The Type 81 general purpose frigate Eskimo (1961) alongside the south side of No. 3 basin in Chatham Dockyard. In the chart room on 01 deck.

On board the Type 81 general purpose frigate Eskimo (1961) berthed on the south side of No. 3 basin in Chatham Dockyard. The photographer is in the chart room between 43½ and 44½ stations on 01 deck looking forward and to port showing the chart table with a Redifon Omega Navigator above it in the corner. A bookshelf, two loadspeakers a microphone and a junction box are against the port bulkhead and another bookshelf is against the forward bulkhead.

Object Details

ID: N68178
Type: Roll film negative
Display location: Not on display
Vessels: Eskimo (1961)
Date made: April - 3 May 1977
Credit: © Crown copyright. National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London