On board the County class guided missile destroyer London (1961) alongside the fitting out berth at the Neptune works of Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd at Wallsend-on-Tyne. In the passage between 128 and 148 stations on the port side of 2 deck.

On board the County class guided missile destroyer London (1961) alongside the fitting out berth at the Neptune Works of Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd at Wallsend-on-Tyne. The ship is berthed starboard side to the quay. The photographer is in the passage between 128 and 148 stations on the port side of 2 deck looking aft showing a canvas covered cable stowage bracket, a fire extinguisher, a fire hose basket and a starter panel against the ship's side. The sliding doors to M2 breaker room and the mess deck store are on the left with two hatches leading down to 3 deck beyond them. An automatic emergency lantern is next to the watertight door at 148 station. A vertical format negative.

Object Details

ID: N68826
Type: Sheet film negative
Display location: Not on display
Vessels: London (1961)
Date made: Before 14 November 1963
Credit: © Crown copyright. National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London