On board the Type 12 general purpose frigate Plymouth (1959) alongside the south wall of No. 3 basin in Chatham Dockyard, Kent. The quartermaster's position at 55 station on the port side of 1 deck.

On board the Type 12 general purpose frigate Plymouth (1959) alongside the south side of number 3 basin in Chatham Dockyard at the end of a modernization which commenced in August 1966. The ship is berthed starboard side to the quay. The photographer is on the port side of 1 deck looking forward and to starboard at the quartermaster's position on the side of the hangar at 55 station. A vertical format negative.

Object Details

ID: N69052
Type: Roll film negative
Display location: Not on display
Vessels: Plymouth (1959)
Date made: Before 19 March 1969
Credit: © Crown copyright. National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London