On board the type 81 general purpose frigate HMS Tartar (1960) in Portsmouth Dockyard between November 1973 and April 1974 during a refit. On the port side of the forecastle looking aft while alongside the South Railway Jetty.

On board the type 81 general purpose frigate HMS Tartar (1960) in Portsmouth Dockyard between November 1973 and April 1974 during a refit. The photographer is on the port side of the forecastle looking aft and the ship is alongside the South Railway Jetty. Awnings are rigged over the 4.5 inch gun mount and over 01 deck ahead of the enclosed bridge. Rocket flare launchers are fitted to both sides of the gun shield.

Object Details

ID: N71072
Type: Roll film negative
Display location: Not on display
Vessels: Tartar (1960)
Date made: Between November 1973 and April 1974
Credit: © Crown copyright. National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
Measurements: Overall: 62 mm x 74 mm