On board the type 81 general purpose frigate HMS Tartar (1960) in Portsmouth Dockyard between November 1973 and April 1974 during a refit. In the operations room between 42 and 45½ stations on 1 deck.

On board the type 81 general purpose frigate HMS Tartar (1960) in Portsmouth Dockyard between November 1973 and April 1974 during a refit. The photographer in the operations room between 42 and 45½ stations on 1 deck looking aft and to port from 43 station showing two Admiralty Research Laboratory plotting tables with a Kelvin Hughes radar command visual display unit between them. On the right are two other visual display units and the aircraft stateboard.

Object Details

ID: N71278
Type: Roll film negative
Display location: Not on display
Vessels: Tartar (1960)
Date made: Between November 1973 and April 1974
Credit: © Crown copyright. National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
Measurements: Overall: 62 mm x 73 mm