The waterfront, small harbour and promenade at Abbazia, Yugoslavia

The waterfront, small harbour and promenade at Abbazia, Yugoslavia, taken from seaward. A large number of buses or charabancs are on the promenade on the left. In the centre is the small harbour, hidden behind a breakwater so that only the masts of the vessels can be seen, with the Canottieri Abbazia beyond it. Amid the buildings is the Hotel Pensione Royal. A single masted day cruiser is under sail in the left foreground and a counter sterned passenger vessel is under way on the right.

Object Details

ID: P90135
Type: Sheet film negative
Display location: Not on display
Creator: Marine Photo Service
Date made: 1935-1939
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London, Waterline Collection
Measurements: Overall: 116 mm x 167 mm