HMS Ark Royal (1950)

No 2 [Upper Gallery] Deck, location n/a: The port quarter boat platform between frames 207 and 219, looking inboard. The centre of the picture is dominated by the 'Huntress' motor cabin cruiser, yard no. 219, registration 6873, M.O.D. reference number 6812, built in 1968. The boat is resting on its chocks having just been hoisted in.

This is part of a series of photographs taken during the final stages of HMS Ark Royal's last major refit which was completed in 1970. The location references are derived from the deck plans in the latest edition of the ship's NBCD book.

Object Details

ID: N91236
Display location: Not on display
Vessels: A32 (1916)
Date made: 1969; 1916
People: (Germany)
Measurements: Sheet: 75 mm x 65 mm